ITLOTC 6-2-17


(In The Life Of The Church) 

UBC Thailand Team Report

Our ministry partners in Chiang Mai work with South Asian immigrants in a major tourist area in the city.  Their work with these immigrants include a house church, helping people connect with others from their home country, and building relationships that reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ.  We talk a lot about relational evangelism within Christian circles, and our ministry partners spend their ordinary everyday living out Truth.  We, as a team, had the opportunity to participate in their work, and place ourselves in their shoes for a few days.  In addition to visiting with shopkeepers, the team had the opportunity to teach an ESL class on friendship at Dara Academy, as well as partner with NeighborHub (an organization working with Thai university students in Chiang Mai).

If you had to sum up our trip in two words: intentionality and vulnerability.  In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us to pray: "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  The kingdom of God often comes in the ordinary, everyday when we are intentionally seeking to be kind and compassionate to all we encounter.  We are called to love all of those we encounter (those who serve us lunch, those we pass in the hallways at work, our neighbors we run into when get home from work), not just our friends and family.  In loving others, we should be intentional with the questions we ask, how we listen, and have the courage to share our own story.  To often we are so caught up in the business of our day to notice our neighbor, and we miss opportunities to help bring about the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  Vulnerability is hard, and doesn't come naturally or easy to most, however vulnerability begets vulnerability.  When we have the courage to share our own story of how the Spirit has moved in our lives, we create space and freedom for those around us to also share, and to allow room for the Sprit to encourage and challenge us both.  "Your kingdom come" often starts with intentionality and the willingness to be vulnerable.

Thank you for praying for the team, and our ministry partners.  On our last day in Chiang Mai, I asked the team to write down a few takeaways from their time in Thailand, below are their responses.

“There is bravery in being vulnerable and sharing your story.”

“In these past two weeks I’ve encountered people and cultures I’ve only ever learned about but never experienced before, and even though some do not recognize Jesus, it’s clear that he’s working in their lives just as much as he is in mine.”

“Thailand reminded me of the importance of listening to people to learn their worldview. Knowing this can help establish common ground and further understanding. The old adage is true, they don't care what you know until they know that you care. “

“It’s only through the visitation of another culture that the intricacy of one’s home become evident.  Upon our return, I expect a change in our lives, one of increased intentionality and engagement with the environment we find ourselves in.”

“Rich life occurs as a result of listening to and sharing stories of everyday with your mom, roommate, mango smoothie provider and regular customer…engaging as good neighbors.”

“In Thailand, I was greatly encouraged by Wendy and Neiko’s relational ministry.  I was reminded that God wants to have a relationship with me and others.  I was reminded to hope and trust God is working through the slow mundaneness of life, but also that I can be a part of noticing Him and caring and listening to others as He does for me.  In the same way that He is intentional and patient and consistent in building relationship with me, I would like to be with others.”

“Everyone has their own stories and reasons why they are who they are.  People crave people and opportunities to share these stories.  It’s up to us – each individual – to seek people out and be intentional in our conversations, especially in those leading to Christ.  Vulnerability in us and those we speak to, is a type of ministry in itself.”

Summer Sunday School

Starting this week, we are meeting in the Backside at 9:30 to eat breakfast, talk, and read a short liturgy.

UBC Summer Party Uno - June 11th @ 6pm

UBC's first summer party is coming up on June 11th, at 6pm.  The Richardson's have graciously agreed to host, and a grand time will be had by all!  This is a great opportunity to get to know other folks in the church.  UBC will provide the burgers/hotdogs/vegan burgers and all the fixins, but we would like you to bring a side to share.  We will have a sign-up sheet in the foyer this Sunday and next, or you can email to sign-up.  Please sign-up so we know how much food to cook.  If you have any questions, ask Toph.  

Work is Worship

Greeters: Walters 

Coffee Makers: Lees 

Mug Cleaners: Nelsons 

Money Counter: Hannah K 


  • Sunday Sermon:  Acts 2
  • Tuesday Dives Location: Dubl-R - 12 P.M.
  • 6-9 OOTP Lock In 7 P.M. - 10 A.M. @ UBC
  • 6-11 UBC Summer Party Uno - 6 P.M. @ the Richardson's
  • 6-18 OOTP Picnic (BYOLunch) After Church Redwood Shelter 
  • 7-1 OOTP Girls/Boys Night 5-9 P.M. Meet @ UBC
  • 7-10 OOTP Go Bowling 5:30-7:30  @ Baylor SUB
  • 7-21: Summerside (Open Mic)
  • 8-6 OOTP Pool Party After Church @ Baylor SLC 
  • 8-13 OOTP Parent Meeting After Church @ UBC
  • 8-23 OOTP First Meeting!!! (Welcome 5th graders!) 6-8 P.M. @ UBC

Do you have an emergency and need to talk to a pastor? 

254 413 2611

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Jon Davis:

Byron Griffin:

Stan Denman:

Adam Winn:

Bridget Heins:

Sharyl Loeung:

Emma Wood:

Student Position: Samuel Moore:

Student Position: Leah Reed:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

Josh McCormick:

Hannah Kuhl:  

Justin Pond:

Anna Tilson:

Doug McNamee:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Maxcey Blaylock:

Mathew Crawford:

Rob Engblom:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould: