Kyle's Benediction: Ashley Googe and Tim Buechsel

Today marks the seven year anniversary of the loss of our pastor and dear friend Kyle Lake.  Kyle’s legacy lives on in many ways.  One thing that has been especially meaningful for UBC’ers, those who knew him and those who have joined us along the way since his passing, has been Kyle’s benediction that we say as a congregation at the end of the service.  I have asked several people to reflect on the benediction and share thoughts with us.  I will be posting their stories and artwork here for the next few days. ________________________________

Kyle's benediction blessed me. I still think about it a lot. I think that I translated it into German and used it a couple of times in the youth group. I've also used it a few times in my Hong Kong ministry setting. His benediction has gone global!

-- From Tim Buechsel

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I remember, so clearly, the first time I heard the benediction. I had attended UBC as a freshman in 1998 and had returned a few years later after a time of searching. It was a balm, a prayer, words for what my heart had been trying to say for a long time. Kyle was the embodiment of this. His lived in such a way that gave room for us to do the same. His death punched holes in us, left an indelible mark. And yet the benediction kept surfacing, a siren call to return to this life we were given. We used these words as a foundation for our wedding vows, have whispered them over our baby son and have them written as a frame over the doorway, and hearts, of our house.

Love God.

Embrace Beauty.

Live life to the fullest.

-- From Ashley Googe


Tim Buechsel is a graduate of George Fox University and of Truett Seminary.  He is from Germany and currently lives with his wife Isabel in Hong Kong, where he pastors a church.

Ashley Googe is a graduate of Baylor and is married to Matt.  Ashley was a part of UBC during her college years and beyond.  She and Matt currently live in Knoxville, Tennessee.